Ivan on Containers, Kubernetes, and Backend Development

Hi friends!

Ivan's here, with a monthly roundup from iximiuz.com.

I just finished an article on Kubernetes, and as always, it took me million hours to get from the first draft to a decent quality write-up. For better or for worse, there is no such thing for me as quick writing. But now it's getting late over here, so I'll have to keep the newsletter rather short.

SPONSORED Passwords are secrets, but secrets tend to leak. Certificates might be superior to passwords in many cases, but they are also secrets after all. Check out this good read by Teleport to learn How to Access Infrastructure Without Usernames and Passwords using provable identities. The future is bright and passwordless!


What I Was Working On

​Continuing the June theme, I managed to find some time in July to work on my (not so) secret Kubernetes UI. The visualizations are much smoother now (check out that rolling Deployment recording below), but the rest of the changes were mostly plumbing and hardening, so no new functional to demo yet.



What I Was Writing

There is one but rather big article I'd like to share this month: How Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines. This article might feel less technical than my usual writing, but the intent was to tell a relatable story. It's based on my 10+ years of experience and observation of how people develop, deploy, and operate web services. And it's an illustrated one! Just to give you some taste:

I've also been pretty active on Twitter and published a few threads you may find interesting (or controversial):

Last but not least, DockerSlim officially announced its Docker Compose support. Now you can optimize images that are a part of the compose service definition with a single command. And while I didn't participate in the technical implementation of this feature, I'm happy to share the news πŸŽ‰


What I Was Reading


Stay Tuned

And this is it for July. Stay safe and healthy!


Ivan Velichko


Ivan Velichko

Building labs.iximiuz.com - a place to help you learn Containers and Kubernetes the fun way πŸš€

Read more from Ivan Velichko

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I spent a few weeks deep diving into cgroup v2, and I'm happy to share my findings with you! Everyone knows that Docker and Kubernetes use cgroups to limit the resources of containers and Pods. But did you know that it's very easy to run an arbitrary Linux process in a cgroup using much more basic tools? The only kernel's interface for cgroups is the virtual filesystem called cgroupfs typically mounted at /sys/fs/cgroup. Creating folders there and writing to files in them is...

Hello friends! Ivan's here with the June roundup of all things Linux, Containers, Kubernetes, and Server-Side craft πŸ§™ What I was working on The first two lessons (and a few challenges) of my "Alternative Introduction to Dagger" course have not sparked much interest among my students, so I had to put this work on pause. With a heavy heart, though, because I do like Dagger, and I was enjoying working on the content about it. But no interest means fewer iximiuz Labs Premium subscribers, and I...

Hello friends! It's time for my traditional monthly roundup of all things Linux, Containers, Kubernetes, and Server-Side craft πŸ§™ Before we get started, I want you to know that this newsletter's previous issue (dispatched mid-May) was delivered to only about 1/5th of my usual email audience due to an unfortunate DNS misconfiguration. The good news is that you can still find it and all previous issues on newsletter.iximiuz.com. Also, if you reply to this email, it'd help to restore the domain's...