
Ivan Velichko

Learning by doing with iximiuz Labs 🚀

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hello friends!

Ivan's back, and with some exciting news!

For years, I’ve been dreaming about interactive playgrounds to augment my blog and let readers play with Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes right in their browsers…

I started experimenting with different tech that could make it happen around mid-2021. I picked up some frontend development skills, played with Firecracker microVMs, skilled up in containers, and more.

And finally, after spending lots of evenings, weekends, and the good part of my PTOs, I’ve got something deployed…

Allow me to introduce you to iximiuz Labs 🚀

On you can fire up a disposable Linux playground in a matter of seconds:

  • Ubuntu
  • Alpine Linux
  • Rocky Linux
  • Kubernetes (K3s)
  • Docker
  • nerdctl + containerd + BuildKit


The above playgrounds should make experimenting with Docker and Kubernetes much simpler. One of the next steps is to integrate these capabilities directly with so that you can play with the stuff you’re reading about right in the browser.

And, of course, it’s just the beginning - even more to come in the near future! For instance, one of my goals is to start producing courses leveraging the labs platform - an ideal mix of theory, juicy visuals, and interactivity.



The opportunities are endless, but I need your support! If you feel like this platform is something you could benefit from, please consider becoming a patron. And in addition to my sincere gratitude, you'll get free early access and a life-long discount when the platform graduates from alpha.

Happy learning!


P.S. The detailed technical blogpost and/or email on the platform's internals is coming too :)

Ivan Velichko

Software Engineer at day. Tech Storyteller at night. Helping people master Containers.

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